Anglers Hook Record-Breaking Amount of Perch in Minnesota

Anglers Hook Record-Breaking Amount of Perch in Minnesota

In early November, anglers in Minnesota landed a record-breaking number of perch. The previous record, set in 2006, was 6,774 fish. The new record was more than triple that, with 21,614 perch caught.

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) credits the high catch rate to the good weather and ample baitfish populations. "Anglers are really having fun out there and taking advantage of this great bite," said DNR fisheries manager Phil Talmage.

Perch are a popular sportfish because they are abundant and easy to catch. They can be found in most lakes in Minnesota and can grow up to 15 inches long. Anglers use a variety of baits to catch them, including minnows, waxworms, jigs, and spoons.

The DNR encourages anglers to release any perch over 12 inches long so they can continue to breed and help sustain the population. Anglers who keep their limit of six fish per day must have a minimum size limit of 11 inches.

Anglers Catch and Release Record-Breaking Perch in Ohio

An angler in Ohio caught and released a record-breaking perch this week. The perch, which weighed in at 2.5 pounds, is the largest ever caught in the state.

The angler, who wishes to remain anonymous, was using a jigging spoon when he hooked the fish near Port Clinton. After a brief fight, he was able to successfully land the perch.

"This is an amazing accomplishment for any angler, but especially for those fishing in Ohio waters," said fisheries biologist Brandon Anderson with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). "We have never before seen a perch of this size caught and released in Ohio."

Anderson went on to say that the ODNR will be studying the catch and release data from this fish in order to better understand the ecology and management of yellow perch in Ohio waters.

Previous state-record catches for yellow perch include a specimen that weighed 2.14 pounds, which was caught near Woodsfield in Monroe County in 2010.

Huge Redeye Perch Caught in Michigan

It's not often that you see a fish as big as this one caught in Michigan. This huge redeye perch was hauled in by some lucky anglers near the Straits of Mackinac.

Redeye perch are a type of freshwater fish found in North America. They typically grow to about 16 inches in length, but can reach sizes up to 24 inches. They are a popular sport fishing target due to their aggressive fighting style and tasty flesh.

This particular redeye perch was caught using a simple jigging technique with a silver spinner bait. It measured in at 24 inches long and weighed 5 pounds! It's safe to say that this is one of the biggest redeye perch ever caught in Michigan.

Anglers who catch large fish like this often release them back into the water so that they can continue to breed and help sustain healthy populations. This is definitely something to consider if you're lucky enough to land a giant like this!

Gorgeous Silver Perch Landed in Oklahoma

Silver perch are a widespread, popular sportfish found throughout much of the world. In Oklahoma, they are caught in many lakes and reservoirs and make for a great fight on light tackle.

The silver perch is aptly named for its coloration. The body is typically silver or light gray dorsally with a dusky olive green back and sides. The belly is white to yellow and there are usually several dark spots along the lateral line. Adult males can reach up to 24 inches in length while females tend to be a bit smaller, topping out at around 18 inches long.

These fish are considered schooling fish, meaning they prefer to travel and feed in groups. They are active predators that feed mainly on insects, small fish, and crustaceans. Because of their diet, silver perch can be caught on a variety of baits including live bait, artificial lures, and even dough baits.

Anglers targeting silver perch will find them most active early in the morning and again near dusk when they start feeding again. In Oklahoma, they can be caught from boats or from shore using light tackle gear such as spinning or baitcasting rods spooled with 6 to 8 pound test line. A variety of lures can be productive, but small crankbaits, jigs tipped with minnows or worms, and live bait work well.

Silver perch are a popular sportfish found throughout much of the world because they put up a good fight on light tackle and taste great when smoked or fried

Iowa Anglers Nab Spotted Bass, Yellow Perch

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources recently announced that avid anglers in the state landed a combined total of five spotted bass and yellow perch from various waterways.

According to officials, the biggest spotted bass weighed in at 2.5 pounds and was caught from Saylorville Lake. The largest yellow perch, meanwhile, clocked in at 1.1 pounds and was netted from Cardinal Lake.

In addition to the two larger fish mentioned above, three additional spotted bass weighing between 1.2 and 1.8 pounds were also caught from different lakes around the state. Meanwhile, four yellow perch measuring between .5 and .8 pounds were also landed by Iowa anglers.

Officials with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources say that the recent spate of successful catches is likely due to the fact that both species are currently in spawning mode. They advise interested anglers to focus their efforts on catch-and-release fishing during this time of year in order to help preserve these populations for years to come.


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