Anglers Land Record Perch in Local Pond

Anglers Land Record Perch in Local Pond

A group of anglers fishing at a local pond recently landed themselves a record perch. The fish weighed in at 4.5 pounds, easily besting the previous record of 2.8 pounds.

The anglers were using live bait to attract the fish and spent just over an hour reeling it in. They were all ecstatic to have broken the record, and even more excited when they realized that the pond held plenty of other large perch just waiting to be caught.

This is great news for local anglers and shows that there are still plenty of big prizes waiting to be caught in nearby waters. If you're looking to land your own record-breaking fish, then don't hesitate to give your nearest pond or lake a try. You might be surprised at what you find lurking beneath the surface.

5-Pound Perch Caught on Farm Pond

I was very fortunate to catch a 5-pound perch on my farm pond today. It's been a tough year for fishing, but this big guy put up a great fight. After playing him for awhile, I finally got him in the net and hauled him into the boat.

The perch measured just over 18 inches long and weighed in at 5 pounds, 14 ounces. I released him back into the pond unharmed and he quickly swam away. This was only my second catch of the year, so it was a real treat to land such a nice fish.

My farm pond is about 2 acres in size and is home to bass, bluegill, crappie and catfish. The water temperature has been slowly dropping over the past few weeks, which seems to be triggering the fish to bite better. I'm hopeful that we'll have another good day of fishing before winter sets in.

Largest Ever Yellow Perch Comes from Lake Erie

A new state record has been set for the largest yellow perch ever caught in Ohio. The fish was pulled from Lake Erie earlier this month and weighed in at 5 pounds, 8 ounces.

Lake Erie is one of the Great Lakes and it is located along the border of Ohio and Pennsylvania. The lake is a popular spot for fishing and is known for its large yellow perch.

The previous state record for the largest yellow perch was 5 pounds, 2 ounces. That fish was also caught from Lake Erie.

The new state record was caught by Mike Willmon of Collins, Ohio. He was fishing with a buddy near the city of Huron when he landed the huge perch.

Willmon said that he almost didn't because his net wasn't big enough to hold it! He had to use a wire basket to get the fish into his boat.

This isn't the first time that Willmon has caught a massive yellow perch from Lake Erie. In fact, he has landed several fish that weigh more than 4 pounds.

The current world record for the largest yellow perch ever caught is 6 pounds, 8 ounces. That fish was also caught from Lake Erie.

Wisconsin Fishermen Nab 14-Pound Perch

Wisconsin fishermen are reeling in some impressive catches this summer, including a 14-pound perch that was just landed on Tuesday.

The perch, which measured 22 inches long and 18.5 inches around, was caught by Ron Bruggink and his son near La Crosse. The two were using worms as bait and were thrilled to land the big fish.

This isn't the only impressive catch that's been made in Wisconsin this summer. In late July, a fisherman caught a 30-inch walleye near Bayfield. And in June, a fishing party landed an 88-pound sturgeon on the Wolf River.

With all of these big catches being made, it's no wonder that Wisconsin is becoming a popular destination for anglers from all over the country. If you're looking to get in on the action, be sure to check out one of the many fishing tournaments that are taking place in Wisconsin this summer. There's sure to be one that's just right for you.

Perch Plentiful in Michigan Lakes

Michigan's Upper Peninsula is home to plenty of perch, and the fish are biting this summer.

"There are a lot of perch in the lakes up here," said Greg Hill, who operates Gwinn Charters out of Marquette. "The fishing has been good this year. We've been catching them in 18 to 22 feet of water. They seem to be scattered throughout the lakes."

Hill said he typically uses either minnows or leeches as bait when targeting perch, but that jigs also can be productive. He fishes primarily out of Gwinn, Early Lake and Big Bay de Noc. His clients have come from as far away as Texas this year to experience some of Michigan's world-class fishing for walleye, salmon and trout. But Hill always takes time to enjoy some good perch fishing as well.

The best part about catching perch in Michigan is that they generally are very tasty eating fish. Pan-frying them with some butter and salt is a real treat.

So if you want to get in on some great Upper Peninsula perch fishing this summer, now is the time to do it. The fish are plentiful and biting in many lakes up here.


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